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McPhail House embodies a modest yet resolute approach, seeing a subtle extension to the rear of an existing heritage cottage. Drawing inspiration from layered and rich history of the existing home, the resulting materials and formal silhouette continue a similar story in place, through a contemporary lens.

▼项目外观,Overall view © Tatjana Plitt

▼室外空间,Outdoor space © Tatjana Plitt

▼扩建部分,Extension © Tatjana Plitt


In preserving the overall streetscape and its placement amongst the other row houses, the addition is deliberately recessive, blackened to create a hierarchy from approach. As its own new form yet distinctly connected to the original, the modern elements make a statement of their own while still sitting modestly on site. Located in Essendon, and as the result of overcoming the existing scaled one-level weatherboard cottage form, the site becomes better activated, expanding the useable floor space notably.

▼起居空间,Living space © Tatjana Plitt

▼厨房,Kitchen © Tatjana Plitt

▼用餐空间,Dining space © Tatjana Plitt


Using the existing slope of the roof as a guide, the extruded form is expanded to the rear, widening to make better use of the site. A similar restraint and crafted approach are used throughout, binding the old and new together with similar materials and tones across both. A more contemporary interpretation of detailing and the handmade is expressed in the addition, where generous openings and glazing connect the interior to the surrounding landscape.

▼厨房近景,Kitchen detials © Tatjana Plitt

本项目由Align Concepts进行建造,景观部分由KPLA设计,呈现了柔和而又令人赞叹的效果。设计者保留了建筑内部原有的前厅结构,将这里打造为一个休闲的场所。新打造的开放起居、用餐和厨房空间成为了室内的核心,业主可以再在此聚会和娱乐,空间的开放性增强了室内的联通,该空间位于房屋中的位置也增强了这种联通性。房屋的周边环境也被纳入设计中,形成了更加强烈的分离感。

Together with landscape design by KPLA, McPhail House was built by Align Concepts and is intended to have both a soft and impacting affect. From within the original front rooms are retained in their scale, offering a place of retreat and formal separation. The newly opened combined living, dining and kitchen space then becomes the heart of the home. As its own gathering, nurturing and entertaining space, the openness created enhances the opportunity for connection, reinforced by the siting of the shared space to the rear. Pulled back from the street, and by drawing the main active areas of the home further into the site, a greater sense of separation and disconnect is created.

▼卧室,Bedroom © Tatjana Plitt

▼从卧室看向扩建部分,View from bedroom towards extension © Tatjana Plitt

▼橱柜,Cupboard © Tatjana Plitt

▼室内设计细部,Interior details © Tatjana Plitt


Intended to age with grace, the palette used within repurposes the original weatherboard timber cladding as it wraps around the additional form, while inside a mix of timber, polished concrete flooring and a monochromatic base offer a sense of balance – awaiting the fluctuations of time, yet not bound to them.

▼浴室,Bathroom © Tatjana Plitt

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